Tuesday 4 March 2014

Screen Printing

I thought I would video my print each time I added a new layer so you can all see how a print and the detail in it add up and for those of you that might be interested in seeing how it works.

Final Major Project

I'm currently working on my final major project where I am specializing in wallpapers, specifically lengths. I am very interested in paper cutting right now and the book Paper Cutting by Laura Hyenga is my little bible right now. My concept is based around florals, their structure and shape which coincidentally works very well with paper cutting. Below are some images of my work.

Thursday 27 February 2014


A few weeks ago I visited Amsterdam with Uni. While there we visited a lot of places but my favourites where De Hortus Botanicus, Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum. Below are a few photos  from those places. 


Thursday 9 January 2014

Minor Project - Botanica's Follie

My concept for my minor project was called Botanica's Follie. It was based around florals, botanicals and foliage, combined with inspiration from the art movements at the turn of the last century. 
 My mood board showing my concept.

 One of my drawings for this project.

 A sketchbook photo from the development of my motifs.

Product visualization showing my designs in situ.

Although I didn't get to experiment fully, I am looking forward to my final major so that I can get in the print room and explore screen print and digital print together.